Living Traditions |
Living Traditions Inc. was a nonprofit
community organisation based in Melbourne,
Australia. The organisation was active between 2005 and 2009.
The organisation's purpose was to promote
the practice, development and appreciation
of high quality, culturally diverse
music and dance. Living Traditions' philosophy was that there
is a wealth of artistic talent within
Australian communities, and that the
contributions of migrants from many
parts of the world, as well as Australia's
indigenous people, have greatly enriched
this cultural resource. There is a large potential audience
for quality culturally diverse music
and dance within Australia. Living Traditions aimed
to create connections between artists
and audiences and to support innovative
projects that brought culturally
diverse art forms to a wider audience.
Living Traditions supported artists
and practitioners of traditional,
world and folk music and dance. As
our focus was on inclusion rather than
exclusion, we worked from broad definitions
of these artforms. Living Traditions
created opportunities for Australian
communities to engage with and participate
in these forms of cultural expression.
We also sought to contribute to a broader
social, economic and political context
that was supportive of cultural diversity,
inter-ethnic collaboration and respect. A society informed
by these values provides the best
environment for culturally diverse
art to develop and flourish.
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of Purposes |
The purpose of Living Traditions Inc.
was to increase the availability and
accessibility of high quality, culturally
diverse music and dance to the Australian
Living Traditions Inc. sought to
achieve this purpose by working towards
the following aims:
- to
promote in an Australian context
the practice, development and appreciation
of traditional, world and folk music
and dance (broadly defined) from
a wide range of cultures;
- to
create opportunities for Australian
communities to engage with and participate
in these forms of cultural expression;
- to
support artists involved in these
art forms by creating opportunities
for promotion, professional development,
and presentation of work to the
- to
contribute to a broader social,
economic and political context that
is supportive of cultural diversity,
inter-ethnic collaboration and respect,
and that will allow these art forms
to flourish.
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of Management |
an Incorporated Association, Living
Traditions was managed by a Committee
of Management. Living
Traditions had no paid staff. Committee Members on a
voluntary basis undertook administrative
work necessary to keep the Association
Between 2005 and 2009, the Living Traditions Committee of Management included at different times: Brahim Benhim, Chris Sprague, Kelly White, Marina Bistrin, Mark Planigale, Olgaa Fienco, Peter Nowotnik, Pin Rada and Prue Cerin.
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Copyright © 2006-2009 Mark Planigale | Updated: November 09