Arts Organisations |
Folk Alliance Australia
peak body for folk arts in Australia.
The FAA exists to foster and promote
the folk community and the folk arts,
including traditional, contemporary
and multicultural folk music, dance
and spoken word performing arts in Australia.
FAA seeks to advance organisational
and individual initiatives in these
areas through education, advocacy and
professional and field development.
The Boite
The Boite celebrates Australia's amazing
cultural diversity through a prolific
program of festivals, events, radio
programs, CDs and publications. Its
dedicated staff using specialist expertise
developed over 26 years have presented
and promoted hundreds of excellent musicians,
dancers, writers and storytellers at
thousands of events. These range from
over 1,200 intimate concerts by the
fire at the Boite World Music Cafe to
10 major concerts at the Melbourne Concert
Hall to audiences of over 2,000.
Multicultural Arts Victoria
MAV provides opportunities and support
structures to artists and communities
from culturally and linguistically diverse
backgrounds as well as offering culturally
diverse art to the public at large.
Multicultural Arts Victoria was established
in 1983 and evolved from the Festival
of All Nations. Since that time, it
has worked consistently to support artists
and communities in Victoria and has
a strong history of quality program
delivery and of encouraging innovation
and creative cultural expression in
the arts.
Community Music Victoria
CMV is a not-for-profit membership-based association that supports, promotes and facilitates music-making among Victorian communities. The organisation is committed to helping Victorians rediscover and exercise their music-making capacities. CMV's main program is Victoria Sings which develops and supports enterprising (and predominantly voluntary) singing leadership within communities.
Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre
Inc. (BEMAC)
BEMAC advocates and works to establish
cultural diversity through the arts,
and offers arts and community cultural
development services to culturally diverse
artists, arts groups and communities.
BEMAC is a Resource Centre for culturally
diverse artists, artsworkers, community
cultural development workers, arts and
cultural organisations, communities
and community organisations. BEMAC also
produces a series of professional standard,
culturally diverse performance events
in Brisbane.
Nexus Multicultural Arts Centre
Nexus is a progressive arts organization
in South Australia advocating for, facilitating
the development of, and showcasing the
arts, the artists and the communities
from diverse cultural experiences to
enrich the expression and portrayal
of contemporary Australia. Nexus aims
to create a two-way bridge between culturally
and linguistically diverse artists and
the mainstream in multicultural Australia.
Nexus has fostered artistic activities
reflecting the fluid social and cultural
nature of Australian society through
exhibitions, music, dance, creative
writing projects and cross-cultural
interchanges. It seeks to extend art
form boundaries by situating current
art practices within a wide social context.
Kulcha Multicultural Arts WA Inc.
KULCHA Multicultural Arts of Western
Australia was established in 1983 as
the Ethnic Music Centre and is today
the state's peak presenter of multicultural
arts and Western Australia's leading
world music venue. For nearly twenty
years, KULCHA has been generating a
dynamic program of music and arts projects
to advance the development of Australian
artists from diverse cultural backgrounds.
www.kulcha.com.au |
Bodies |
Council for the Arts
The Australia Council is the Australian
Government's arts funding and advisory
body. It directly supports young, emerging
and established artists, as well as
new and established organisations. The
Council provides over 1700 grants each
year to artists and arts organisations
across the country in the fields of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
arts, community cultural development,
dance, literature, music, new media
arts, theatre and visual arts/craft.
Arts Victoria
Arts Victoria is the Victorian Government
body charged with advising on and implementing
arts policy, developing the arts and
cultural industries across the State
and ensuring access for all Victorians.
Arts Victoria supports the arts and
cultural industries to encourage excellence,
develop good ideas, build audiences,
encourage participation and improve
The jb seed
A grants program funded by John Butler,
fellow artists and associates. Grant
categories include Social Activism through
the Arts, Professional and Skills Development,
Indigenous Touring, and Publicity /
Ian Potter Foundation
Established in 1964, The Ian Potter
Foundation is today one of Australia's
largest private philanthropic foundations.
The Foundation makes grants for general
charitable purposes in Australia. Areas
of interest are the arts, education,
environment and conservation, health,
social welfare, science and medical
research. The foundation also has a
small travel grants program.
Many local governments also have arts
funding programs. |
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Magazines |
Trad & Now
Australia's national folk magazine.
For news, reviews and information on
traditional and contemporary music,
dance, storytelling and reports on live
performances in Australian and beyond.
Trad & Now's mission is to promote,
preserve and support the cultural diversity
and heritage of all traditional and
contemporary folk music and related
performance arts such as poetry, dance,
storytelling and folklore and to encourage
this as part of our everyday lives.
fRoots (previously Folk Roots) is the
world's leading magazine covering modern
and traditional music with roots from
around the globe, from Anglo-trad to
Zanzibar pop via the great mixing desk
in the sky. FRoots has been at the sharp
end of the folk/roots/world music scene
for over 25 years, dealing with an incredible
diversity of music from the latest fusions
to the very ethnic. Features, news,
reviews and information on the UK and
international scene.
www.frootsmag.com |
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Festivals |
Here are links to four of Australia's
largest folk and traditional music and
dance festivals.
Australia's premier world music and
dance event, held annually in Adelaide.
Features high-profile international
performers as well as great local acts.
National Folk Festival
Australia's premier folk festival, held
every Easter in Canberra.
Port Fairy Folk Festival
Victoria's largest folk and roots music
festival. The festival presents a unique
line-up of International and National
artists over the four day long week-end.
Folk roots, blues, jazz, bluegrass,
celtic roots, jazz, crossroads country
and rock, and music of the world.
Woodford Folk Festival
The Woodford Folk Festival is Queensland's
major folk arts festival. Held over
six days and six nights it presents
more than 2000 performers and 400 events
with concerts, dances, workshops, forums,
street theatre, writers' panels, film
festival, comedy sessions, acoustic
jams, social dialogue and debate, an
entire children's festival, art and
craft workshops, late night cabarets
and special events including a spectacular
fire event.
www.woodfordfolkfestival.com |
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Copyright © 2006-2009 Mark Planigale | Updated: November 09